Kids: May 27, 2018


Kids: May 27, 2018

Warm up: 

Steal the Bacon: Divide athletes in two teams and line them up facing eachother about 10 m apart.  Give each athlete a number that matches the number on the opposing team. In the middle, place a n item, a band, pool noodle or something to represent “bacon”.  When you call a number those two athletes race to the middle and try to be the first to steal the bacon and bring it back to their line. The other team has the opportunity to tag them on the shoulder before they reach the boundary.  If the team gets the bacon to their line they choose 3 of a movement for the other team to do, if they get tagged them the other team chooses 3 of a movement.

Skill work:

Plank Walk Obstacle Course:   Set up a course of hurdles, boxes and other things athletes can traverse.  Have them roving plank one at a time through course. 




1 Wall Up

2 Push Ups

3 Box Jumps

1 Trip Through Plank Walk Obstacle Course

3 Box Jumps

2 Grasshoppers